Visiting the Nearest Branch or Approaching Agents

You have to choose either of the options & enter the details.Through Transaction ID or Policy Number, you can get United India Insurance Company Policy Status.The Policyholder will be directed to the next page as shown below.Click on the Verify your payment status option.Find Verify Payment Status option, which is at the bottom right side of the Home Page as shown below.Firstly, go to the Official website, i.e., .in.Now you can check the UIIC Policy Status.The Policyholders can make use of these services and can get in contact with the UIIC for any queries. Refer our website more details regarding the United India Insurance Plans. Here on our site, we have given the Steps to check United India Policy Status in various modes for the convenience of the Customers. Checking the United India Insurance Policy Status Online is the easier and safest way as it reduces the effort and time of the insured. In today’s generation, the Customers preferred online mode to offline mode. Since most of the people were tech savvy, policyholders can easily understand about this Online services. You can check UIIC policy Status through online or Offline. There are many ways to check United India Policy Status. So the Insurance companies also updated their facilities and services for the convenience of their customers.

But in today’s busy life, people don’t want to stand in long queues and spend their whole day at the branch offices. The insured need to visit the nearest branch office or approach the agents to know the current status of their registered policy. In Olden days, checking the UIIC Policy Status is a time-consuming process.